My cousin posted a beautiful piece about parenthood today on her blog, Spokesmama. It got me thinking about all the little ones in my life. I got the chance to meet her baby last week, when she was five days old. It was kind of like holding a little rabbit. Without all that fur and the big feet. There's nothing like holding a baby in your arms. The simplicity of a newborn's life (eat, sleep, cry, poop, repeat) inspires me to take a new perspective on mine. To focus on the basics. To take myself less seriously. The potential a baby has is also inspiring. Who will they be when they grow up? Where will they live? Will they be funny? Courageous? Creative? I think that can be metaphor for any of us. If it's time for a new life change, what kind of potential do you have? Who can you be in this new career? In this new relationship? In this new chapter of being you? When I visited my cousin I also got the chance to read to her three-year-old. One of the books we read was Oh, The Places You'll Go. As I narrated the Dr. Seuss classic with zest, the story brought a few tears to my eyes. I realized that just as I was encouraging the young boy beside me to take life on with freedom and adventure, I was also speaking to myself. Oh, the places you'll go.
9/19/2013 04:57:40 am
Beautifully written! I look forward to reading your blog everyday :)
11/23/2013 03:23:04 pm
Simple and true! A breath of fresh air! Love it!! Comments are closed.