As I was walking home from an audition this afternoon, I saw a seal pup napping on the steps at Olympic Village. Just chilling on the slab. I walk by there all the time and I've never seen any seals. I sat on the bridge above and watched the little one for a long time.
Napping is difficult with so many distractions around - joggers, trucks, and angry crows. After a while, two men on the bridge across the way noticed the seal. They were out collecting dirty needles. For work, that is, not just for fun. As they gradually came closer and closer, the little one slipped back into the water and swam away. We were concerned that we didn't see a mother seal in the vicinity. The group decision was to call the Marine Mammal Rescue Centre. I made the call and soon learned that seal pups are actually weaned from their mothers after three to five weeks. Pupping season is June to July so it's normal for youngsters to be on their own by this time of year. This little one looked healthy, albeit a little groggy, so nothing seemed to be wrong. I used to volunteer at the Vancouver Aquarium and interact with a lot of marine creatures. I also spent half my degree in biology classes and half my childhood following bugs. Although the natural world has always been a focus for me, lately I've been consumed with a lot of human constructs. Projects, schedules, deadlines, worries. It's nice to get in touch with the rest of the living creatures around us. These interactions can create such peace. Thank you, seal friend, for inspiring me to take a breather and rest more often. Who doesn't love a good nap?
9/26/2013 01:19:44 am
Looks like the seal is waving! Malik and I really enjoyed it :)
Alayna Silverberg
9/27/2013 10:57:54 pm
Ah! He's so cute! Love the song too! Comments are closed.